Shimadzu has acquired AlsaChim, a specialist for high-quality analytical isotope-labelled standards

Shimadzu has joined forces with the France-based AlsaChim company specializing in stable isotope-labelled compounds, metabolites and pharmaceutical related substances. With immediate effect, Shimadzu Europe has acquired AlsaChim by 100%.The brand name will be kept for the future complemented by the subtitle “a Shimadzu Group Company”. Through this acquisition, Shimadzu will further develop and extend its activities in the clinical market which is one of the focus areas for the European Innovation Center (EUIC). The AlsaChim technology complements Shimadzu’s product and solution portfolio in the clinical market. Now, Shimadzu is able to enter the market with complete solutions consisting of hardware and software as well as application kits. Clients now benefit from one-stop solutions of complex analytical systems.