C235 BindingSite

Expanded range of native auto-antigens

By exclusive arrangement, Binding Site can now supply both clinical researchers and in-vitro diagnostic manufacturers of autoimmune diagnostic assays with Arotec Diagnostics’s extensive line of native auto-antigens. Available in a range of different packaging configurations, all of the products display the highest degrees of purity, activity, specificity, shelf -life stability, and lot-to-lot consistency. Designed for use in conjunction with research and the manufacture of auto-immune diagnostic assays, these auto-antigens are sourced and purified from human neutrophils, human plasma and animal tissue. Products produced from animal tissue are solely of New Zealand origin, while those from human origin are obtained from certified blood centres, with complete documentation of donor consent and negative infectious disease serology. A sampling of some of the auto-antigen products available include β2-glycoprotein 1; histone; myeloperoxidase (pANCA antigen); NGAL; nucleosome; proteinase 3 (cANCA antigen); and Ro (SSA) antigen.

Supplier: The Binding Site Group Ltd

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