Successful beta trial results for methylation status detection kit

DNA methylation status plays an important role in an individual’s disease risk and likely treatment outcome. As such it is also a necessary part of the assessments required to deliver complete personalized medicine. Now, having completed a successful beta trial, the TrueMethyl kit from Cambridge Epigenetix is a step nearer to the market. As a key part of the product validation process, 13 leading epigenetics labs were provided with the kits for independent and rigorous testing using a shared panel of control samples. The trial results demonstrate that the kit delivers a reliable and consistently high performance. The oxidative bisulfite sequencing (oxBS-Seq) technology allows quantitative, single-base resolution sequencing of the modified bases hydroxymethyl cytosine (5-hmC) and methylcytosine (5-mC), enabling accurate analysis of the DNA methylome. The kit can be used with a variety of common platforms including next generation sequencing systems, methylation arrays, and targeted assays.
